What did you do in the previous week?

I didn’t get a whole lot done this week. All I manged to do was add another section to the docs (The GLSL Crash Course one):


I have gotten little feedback on the testing builds released last week, so I’ll probably need to poke some people to test it.

What do you plan to do in the following week?

I’ll continue to work away at docs and post up an example or two on the wiki. I think I’ll also do a bit of foundation work for the Python API, although I’m still waiting to talk with my mentor before really digging into that.

Describe any issues you are having that may require extra attention.

Currently there are no issues that may require extra attention.

Let us know whether you feel that you are on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule. If you are behind schedule, please let us know what we can do together to get things back on track.

I feel like I’m on schedule.